
How To Select Tattoo Kits In 2023 [tattoo]

Good tattoo artists usually have their own favorite tattoo tools and brands, but for beginners, there is no concept. A tattoo kit is a great place to start, as it will provide you with all the necessary equipment. However, with so many options available, it can be challenging to know which kit to choose. In this article, we will discuss how to select tattoo kits in 2023.


Consider Your Skill Level

Before you start looking for a tattoo kit, it is important to consider your skill level. If you are a beginner, you will want to look for a kit that is designed for beginners. These kits will typically include everything you need to get started, including a machine, needles, ink, and other supplies. They are also typically less expensive than more advanced kits.

If you are an experienced tattoo artist, you may want to look for a kit that includes more advanced equipment. These kits will typically include higher-end machines, needles, and other supplies. They may also include instructional materials that are geared toward more experienced tattoo artists.

Consider Your Budget

Another important factor to consider when selecting a tattoo kit is your budget. Tattoo kits can range in price from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars. While it may be tempting to go for the cheapest option, it is important to remember that you get what you pay for. Cheaper kits may not include high-quality equipment, and they may not last as long as more expensive kits.

It is important to find a kit that fits within your budget while also providing you with the necessary equipment to do the job correctly. Look for kits that include high-quality equipment, but also come at a reasonable price.

Read Reviews

Once you have narrowed down your options based on your skill level and budget, it is important to read reviews from other tattoo artists. Reading reviews can give you a good idea of the quality of the equipment that comes with each kit, as well as the customer service provided by the manufacturer.

Look for reviews from other tattoo artists who have used the kit you are considering. They can provide valuable insight into the quality of the equipment and whether or not it is suitable for your skill level.

Consider the Contents of the Kit

Finally, when selecting a tattoo kit, it is important to consider the contents of the kit. Look for a kit that includes all the necessary equipment, including a tattoo machine, needles, ink, and other supplies. Make sure that the equipment included is of high quality and suitable for your skill level.

Additionally, consider the brand of the kit. Look for a reputable brand that has a good reputation in the tattooing community. This will ensure that you are getting high-quality equipment that will last for a long time.

Selecting a tattoo kit in 2023 can be overwhelming due to the variety of options available. However, by considering your skill level, and budget, reading reviews, and examining the contents of the kit, you can find the right tattoo kit for your needs. Remember, investing in a high-quality tattoo kit will ensure that you are able to produce quality tattoos and enjoy your new hobby or business venture.
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Tattoo Machine Stroke Length [tattoo]

Tattooing is an art form that requires precision, skill, and the right tools. One of the most critical tools a tattoo artist needs is a tattoo machine. The machine's stroke length is an essential factor to consider when selecting a machine. It determines how far the needle moves up and down in a single cycle, which affects the ink's depth and quality of the tattoo.

What is a tattoo machine's stroke length?

A tattoo machine's stroke length refers to the distance that the needle moves up and down in a single cycle. It is measured in millimeters, and the range can vary from 1mm to 5mm. The stroke length is determined by the distance between the front and back springs and the cam's shape.

Why is tattoo machine stroke length important?

The stroke length of a tattoo machine plays a significant role in the final result of a tattoo. It determines the depth and quality of the ink, which can affect the longevity and overall appearance of the tattoo.

A shorter stroke length (between 1mm and 2mm) is suitable for lining and creating fine details. The shorter stroke length allows for more precision and control, resulting in cleaner lines and more intricate designs. It is also less invasive, making it ideal for delicate areas like the face or hands.


On the other hand, a longer stroke length (between 3mm and 5mm) is ideal for shading and filling in large areas. The longer stroke length allows the needle to penetrate deeper into the skin, depositing more ink, and resulting in a darker, more saturated tattoo.


The stroke length also affects the speed and power of the tattoo machine. Machines with shorter stroke lengths tend to be faster and require less power, while machines with longer stroke lengths are slower and require more power.

How to choose the right stroke length for your tattoo machine

Choosing the right stroke length for your tattoo machine depends on the type of tattoo you want to create. If you plan to do mostly lining work, a machine with a shorter stroke length will be more suitable. If you plan to do shading or filling work, a machine with a longer stroke length will be better.

It is also essential to consider the type of needles you will be using. Thinner needles are better suited for shorter stroke lengths, while thicker needles are more suitable for longer stroke lengths.


Tattoo machine stroke length is a crucial factor to consider when selecting a machine for tattooing. It affects the depth and quality of the ink, the speed and power of the machine, and the final result of the tattoo. Understanding the role of stroke length and choosing the right machine and needle combination can help artists achieve the desired outcome and ensure a successful tattooing experience.
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Tattoo Needle Sizes and Types [tattoo]

Tattooing is an art form that been practiced for centuries. The process involves creating a design on the skin using a needle and ink. Tattoo needles are available in different sizes and types, which affect the final outcome of the tattoo.


Tattoo Needle Types:

Round Liner (RL) Needles: These needles are the most commonly used type of needle in tattooing. They have a round shape and are used for outlining and defining the edges of the tattoo design.

Round Shader (RS) Needles: These needles are similar to RL needles, but with more needles bunched together to create a wider line. They are used for shading and coloring large areas of the tattoo design.

Magnum (M1, M2, M3) Needles: These needles have a curved shape and are used for shading and filling in large areas of the tattoo design.

Flat Needles: These needles have a flat shape and are used for creating straight lines and filling in small areas of the tattoo design.

Bugpin Needles: These needles have a smaller diameter than regular tattoo needles and are used for fine details and intricate designs.

Tattoo Needle Sizes:

Tattoo needle sizes are measured in gauges, with larger numbers indicating smaller needles. The most commonly used needle sizes in tattooing are:

3RL Needles: These needles are used for outlining and fine details.

5RL Needles: These needles are used for outlining and shading.

7RL Needles: These needles are used for shading and filling in large areas.

9RL Needles: These needles are used for filling in larger areas and adding color.

5M1 Needles: These needles are used for shading and blending colors.

7M1 Needles: These needles are used for shading and blending colors in larger areas.

9M1 Needles: These needles are used for shading and blending colors in even larger areas.

Choosing the right needle size and type depends on several factors, including the artist's personal preference, the size and complexity of the design, and the client's skin type and sensitivity.

In general, smaller needle sizes are used for outlining and fine details, while larger needle sizes are used for shading and filling in larger areas. Round shader needles are used for shading and coloring, while magnum needles are used for larger areas.
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How to Give Yourself a Tattoo? [tattoo]

While tattoos can be a beautiful form of self-expression, it's important to understand the potential risks involved in the process. Before attempting to give yourself a tattoo, it's crucial to do your research, gather the necessary equipment, and take the necessary precautions to reduce the risk of infection or injury.


Research and Practice: Before giving yourself a tattoo, research the process thoroughly. Look for videos and tutorials online and read articles and books about the art of tattooing. It's essential to know about the proper techniques and the various tools and materials you'll need.

Practicing on a piece of fruit or a piece of fake skin can help you get a feel for the tattoo machine and the process before attempting to ink your skin. The more you practice, the more confident and skilled you'll become.

Prepare the Equipment: To give yourself a tattoo, you'll need a tattoo machine, needles, ink, gloves, and other supplies. Purchase quality tattoo equipment from a reputable supplier, and always make sure your equipment is clean and sterilized.
It's important to note that a tattoo machine is not the same as a sewing machine or a rotary tool. Tattoo machines are specifically designed for tattooing and have a different mechanism than other machines.

Choose a Design and Location: Choose a design that you're comfortable with and make sure it's something you won't regret. You should also choose a location on your body that's easy to access, like your arm or leg, and that you can comfortably work on.
It's important to take into account the placement of the tattoo in relation to other tattoos or scars on your body. You don't want to place a tattoo over an existing tattoo or scar as it may not heal properly or may become infected.

Clean and Disinfect the Area: It's crucial to clean and disinfect the area where you plan to tattoo. Use soap and warm water to clean the area thoroughly and then apply a disinfectant solution like rubbing alcohol to kill any bacteria.
Make sure you're working in a clean and well-lit area, and keep all of your supplies close at hand.

Begin the Tattoo Process: Before beginning the tattoo process, make sure you've properly set up your equipment and have chosen the correct needle size for the design. Once you're ready to begin, start by outlining the design with a small needle.
Work slowly and carefully, using a light touch to avoid going too deep into the skin. Be mindful of the amount of ink you're using and try to apply it evenly.

Take Care of the Tattoo: Once the tattoo is complete, it's crucial to take care of it properly to reduce the risk of infection and promote healing. Wash the tattoo with soap and water and apply a thin layer of ointment to the area.
Avoid exposing the tattoo to sunlight or soaking it in water for at least two weeks. Also, avoid scratching or picking at the tattoo as it heals.

In conclusion, giving yourself a tattoo is not something to be taken lightly. It's important to do your research, practice, and gather the necessary equipment before attempting to ink your skin. If you're not confident in your abilities or have any doubts, it's best to seek out a professional tattoo artist who can do the job safely and with the proper equipment.
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How to set up tattoo machine power supply [tattoo]

Tattoo guns require power to operate, and this power is supplied through a power supply unit. Connecting a tattoo gun to a power supply can be a bit tricky if you are new to tattooing, but with the right steps, it can be done with ease. In this article, we will guide you through the process of connecting a tattoo gun to a power supply.


7steps of set up tattoo power supply
Step 1: Gather your equipment

Before you begin, you will need to gather the following equipment:

Tattoo gun
Power supply unit
Foot pedal
Clip cord
Rubber bands

Step 2: Set up your workspace

Tattooing requires a sterile environment to prevent infections. Make sure your workspace is clean and organized. Set up your power supply unit on a stable surface and plug it into an electrical outlet.

Step 3: Connect the clip cord

The clip cord is a long, thin cord that connects the tattoo gun to the power supply unit. One end of the clip cord will have a jack that plugs into the power supply unit, and the other end will have two prongs that connect to the tattoo gun. Make sure the power supply unit is turned off before connecting the clip cord.

Step 4: Connect the foot pedal

The foot pedal is a small pedal that controls the flow of electricity to the tattoo gun. It is connected to the power supply unit using a small jack. Plug the jack into the power supply unit and place the foot pedal on the ground where you can easily access it with your foot.

Step 5: Adjust the power supply settings

The power supply unit will have a number of settings that control the voltage and speed of the tattoo gun. Adjust these settings according to the type of tattoo you are doing and the thickness of the client’s skin.

Step 6: Test the tattoo gun

Once everything is connected and the settings are adjusted, test the tattoo gun by pressing down on the foot pedal. The tattoo gun should start buzzing, indicating that it is receiving power. Make sure the needle is moving smoothly and that the ink is flowing properly.
Step 7: Secure the tattoo gun

Finally, use rubber bands to secure the tattoo gun to the clip cord. This will prevent the gun from slipping or moving around during the tattooing process.

Connecting a tattoo gun to a power supply unit requires a few simple steps. Make sure to set up a clean and sterile workspace, connect the clip cord and foot pedal, adjust the power supply settings, test the gun, and secure it in place. With practice and experience, you will be able to master the art of tattooing and create beautiful, permanent designs on your clients’ skin.
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The best tattoo needles for beginners 2023 [tattoo]

As a beginner, choosing the right tattoo needle can be overwhelming. There are various types of tattoo needles on the market, each designed for a specific purpose. In this article, we will discuss the best tattoo needles for beginners.

First, it is essential to understand the different types of tattoo needles. There are three primary needle configurations: liner, shader, and magnum. The liner needle configuration consists of a group of needles arranged in a straight line. These needles are ideal for creating crisp and precise lines. The shader needle configuration consists of a group of needles arranged in a circular pattern. Shader needles are ideal for shading and filling in large areas. The magnum needle configuration consists of two or more rows of needles stacked on top of each other. Magnum needles are ideal for shading and filling in smaller areas.

types of tattoo needles

For beginners, it is recommended to start with a liner needle. Liner needles are easier to control and require less pressure than other needle configurations. It is also easier to create clean and precise lines with a liner needle.

Another important factor to consider when choosing tattoo needles is the needle size. Needle sizes range from 1 to 14, with the smaller numbers being thinner and the larger numbers being thicker. As a beginner, it is recommended to start with a smaller needle size, such as a 3 or 5. Smaller needles are easier to control and require less pressure, resulting in less damage to the skin.

It is also important to consider the brand and quality of the tattoo needles. Cheaper needles may be tempting, but they are more likely to break or dull quickly, resulting in a poor-quality tattoo. It is recommended to invest in high-quality tattoo needles from reputable brands, such as Cheyenne, Kwadron, or Bishop.

In addition to the type and size of the needle, it is important to consider the needle's grouping. Needles can be grouped in various configurations, such as a single needle or multiple needles grouped together. As a beginner, it is recommended to start with a single needle or a small grouping of needles, such as a 3 or 5. Single needles and small groupings are easier to control and require less pressure, resulting in a better-quality tattoo.

In conclusion, as a beginner, it is recommended to start with a liner needle, a smaller needle size, high-quality tattoo needles from reputable brands, and a single needle or a small grouping of needles. Remember, choosing the right tattoo needle is essential for creating a high-quality tattoo. It is always best to do your research and seek guidance from experienced tattoo artists.
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5 Best Wireless Tattoo Machines 2023 [tattoo]

In pursuit of the perfect craft, tattoo artists have been constantly thinking that their common desire is to create the best tattoos for customers, which is also a reflection of professional quality. But that means you can't relax and keep on with a highly focused work experience. But now that's changed, an efficient and comfortable approach to them, and wireless tattoo machines make it easier. That's why more and more tattoo artists are now choosing to use wireless tattoo machines.


The advantages of wireless tattoo machine
A wireless tattoo machine is a new innovative tool recommended by tattoo artists. wireless tattoo machines are able to move more freely around the body, and there are no wires to block the body. Wireless tattoo machines also allow for more precise and detailed work, as well as easier cleaning and disinfection.

Some other advantages of a wireless tattoo machine include:
● Increased artist and client comfort level.
● Reducing the risk of infection due to a lack of contact with the exposed skin.
● Reduce the noise level during the tattoo.
● Be able to work in smaller spaces without requiring additional equipment.

5 Best Wireless Tattoo Machines 2023

CNC S1 Wireless Tattoo Machine Brushless Motor


Complete freedom to customize lining mode and shading mode, the perfect pen style machine in the world – S1 brings you more freedom of control, more convenience, and more innovation from the inside out to bring out the best of all lines, shading, and color packing. The S1 is the creator of an unprecedented change in CNC tattoo machines. It allows you to keep your favorite working voltage as the fixed mode, which allows the tattoo artist to be more involved in the creation of the tattoo machine, generating an unparalleled spark.
Included with Purchase:
● 1 pc S1 wireless tattoo machine
● 1 USB-C port
● 1 RCA adapter
● 1 tool kit
● 1 user manual

CNC X-WE Wireless Tattoo Machine


The wireless tattoo machine X-WE designed by CNC is the first-generation wireless tattoo machine. Packaged within two power bolts you always have the power needed for those long sessions. The wireless tattoo pen motor used by CNC WE are the shortest motor drive designed by CNC technical department, retaining the power but saving on weight and space. We have also abandoned the direct drive system with the CNC X-WE, giving our pen style, and wireless machine greater versatility across all tattoo styles. A complete wireless tattoo machine CNC WE Kit for various tattoo styles demand. Take the CNC X-WE one step further with our CNC WE Plus.
Key Features
● 2 Wireless Power Batteries
● Custom Germany coreless motor with dual-shaft
● Interchangeable stroke cam
● Minimal vibrations and low noise
● 13-level voltage output
● Ergonomic grip design
● USB type C power connection
● Accepts all major cartridge brands
● Grip diameter:31.5φ
● Stroke Cam: 3.5mm(3.0 and 4.0mm cams also available)
● Length: 141mm with power pack
● Weight: 176g with a power pack, Power weight: 37.4g

CNC CW2 Wireless Tattoo Machine

Throw away your cables, it’s time for wireless tattooing — CNC has developed the wireless tattoo concept further, bringing you another wireless tattoo pen-style machine. CNC CW2 has been born! With amazing wireless work efficiency and our new intuitive LED electronic screen function, there is nothing to get in the way of creating a perfect tattoo
Key Features
● 2 Wireless Power Batteries
● German imported coreless stable drive motor guaranteed maximum stability
● Interchangeable stroke cam wheel(The CW2 supports the use of 3.0mm, 4.0mm CNC wireless tattoo ● pen series as an additional 3.5mm is offered as standard.)
● 9 level voltage output( optimal operating voltage range 8V to 12V)
● Fast charging: takes 1.5 hours to fully charge
● Compatible with most cartridge needles on the market
● Durable aircraft aluminum material, ergonomic pen-like design
● Low vibration, enables continuous quiet operation
● Grip diameter: 32mm
● Length: 145mm with power pack
● Weight: 210g with a power pack, Power weight: 40g

CNC X WE Plus Wireless Tattoo Pen


X-WE PLUS uses a modular design like CNC-X-WE. To make tattoo artists more easily control the machine, we add a new wireless foot switch pedal in the package. For those who have already had the X-WE, we also prepared the upgrade package suit(2 batteries with digital display + 1 wireless foot pedal + 2 stroke cams).

CNC X WE PRO Wireless Tattoo Pen


X-WE PLUS uses a modular design like CNC-X-WE. To make tattoo artists more easily control the machine, we add a new wireless foot switch pedal in the package. For those who have already had the X-WE, we also prepared the upgrade package suit – CNC X WE Plus Upgrade Suit (2 batteries with digital display + 1 wireless foot pedal + 2 stroke cams).

Wireless tattoo machines are revolutionizing the tattoo industry and are rapidly becoming the new standard for professional tattoo artists. If you're thinking about tattoos, be sure to ask your artist if they use wireless machines!
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How to become a tattoo artist 2023 [tattoo]

How to become a tattoo artists 2023? Follow this guide to learn tattoo tips for beginners to get started.


According to statistics, about 45% of Americans have at least one tattoo, and there are many tattooers everywhere else in the world. With the development of society, the number of people interested in tattoos has gradually increased, and the customers of tattoo artists have exceeded any previous stage.

Now is the perfect time for those who want to become tattoo artists, but this is often not easy to succeed. You need to put in a lot of effort and keep learning tattoo techniques for beginners.

1) Get ready and take your time
It's like someone sitting in a chair to get a tattoo, and they want to stay there for a while. Spend this time with a tattoo artist. To become a tattoo artist, this step is essential.
You will only be comfortable if you spend a lot of time on tattoo basics, such as learning to draw, receive guests, tattoo directly on skin, deal with other things, and so on. Acquiring these lessons did not happen overnight. Take your time and enjoy the ride.

2) Apply to art school
To be honest, quite a few tattoo artists did not go to formal university, and by attending art school, you will earn a degree in visual arts, hone your drawing skills and develop your personal drawing style. This knowledge of painting will help you a lot in the future and make you stand out.

3) Attend training
A great source for learning the basics of becoming a tattoo artist is taking the Training for Tattoo Beginners course. Before you start your apprenticeship in a tattoo parlor, these courses will equip you with the appropriate knowledge.
Learn tattoo rules, techniques, drawing styles, including business advice. Some places even require you to take an official course before you start getting a tattoo.

4) Get advice, experience, and guidance from a good tattoo artists
After completing art school and online courses, go to a tattoo parlor to start an internship. Once you find a store, find a mentor. If you are hired as an apprentice, your mentor will automatically appear and boldly learn from everyone in the shop. Everyone's style will be slightly different, and you never know which method is right for you.

5) Buy good tattoo equipment from the tattoo supply
Invest in a quality tattoo machine today. If your tattoos are made with good equipment, they will look better, for the sake of your reputation, do not save a few dollars in the first place.
Tattoos are inherently inseparable from trade and craftsmanship. Understanding tools is also a science, after all, it is your closest "partner".

6) Keep practicing
As with any art, the key to success is never stopping practicing. Don't settle for your "proficiency," your customers will want to know that you're still growing and getting better.

Being good tattoo artists will give you a sense of accomplishment and a certain amount of reward.
